The game Globle will interest all those who are familiar with geography. The main essence of the game is to guess the guessed countries. Initially you are not given any hints, so the first time you just randomly choose one of the existing countries, as a result of which the program tells you “warm” or “cold” from the originally guessed option. The main feature is that in front of you is a simple virtual globe, on which there are no names or borders of countries. Accordingly, you have to guess everything solely on the basis of your memory and focusing on the provided clues. Even if you are very close to the answer, but can not remember the name, then a positive result will not be achieved.

How to play?

In the game there is a field for entering data. There you enter your name and the name of the country you want to start with. If you enter random words and non-existent countries that are not in the database, you won’t get any closer to solving the answer. If the option you entered is relatively close to the required one, if you consider everything in the scale of the globe, it will be highlighted in yellow. If the territory is far away, it will be highlighted in blue. In the case when countries are in the same location of conditional removal, but at different distances, then the program informs, “warmer” or “colder” your proposed variant to the riddle. When the player names the country directly bordering the final result, it is highlighted in red. Accordingly, you will soon guess the answer.How to play?

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